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WFCMS (Beijing) Distance Education Technology Development Center

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Center introduction

World China federation (Beijing) remote education science and technology development center, is the leading host of modern Chinese medicine modern long-distance education in China, the main business scope is:

1, organization member understand the country (region) of traditional Chinese medicine development history, present situation, judge the trend of future development, to carry out the development strategy for the internationalization of Chinese medicine research and planning, and explore the method of Chinese medicine into the national health care system and the way.

2, actively promote traditional Chinese medicine medical treatment, teaching and scientific research cooperation and exchanges, through cooperation do medical, educational, jointly organized scientific research institutions, etc., to improve the academic level of TCM, to effectively spread knowledge and culture of traditional Chinese medicine.

3, the use of modern information technology and network technology research, collect, sort out the information of traditional Chinese medicine, talent exchange, supplies products, such as information exchange, an omni-directional and multi-level exchanges and cooperation network, propaganda culture of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine characteristics and advantages, make greater access to international medical care services and products of Chinese medicine market, unique health care rehabilitation mode and its value of traditional Chinese medicine is gradually understood and accepted by the international community.

4, through formulate training plans, establish training mechanism, set up training course, remote education, remote consultation, a variety of forms such as qualification examination, carry out international TCM education, examination and training, improve staff quality and academic level.

5. Carry out exchanges and cooperation with various medical sciences in the world, learn from each other, learn from each other's strengths and improve together.

6. Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of member organizations and promote the entry of traditional Chinese medicine into the medical and health care systems of various countries.

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